Friday, February 26, 2010

I like my horsepower under the hood! =] Growing up out in the country and now spending most of my time with my boyfriend and his family I've come to know trucks as the best help on the farm. You always need a good truck. You will always need it for hauling things or just taking it out for a good time in the mud. I'm more partial to chevy or GMC trucks. Here lately though my boyfriend has been pulling me over to the Ford side which is a very scary thing ha! I've always been more of a truck person then I have a car person I don't know why but that's just how it's been.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

My favorite color! technically I guess camo isn't really considered a color but in my world it should be. =0 It's pretty much the basics when it comes to my wardrobe. Anytime you see me I'm probably wearing camo whether you see it at first or not. The funny thing is I don't really do it on purpose it just kind of happens that way. Camo is actually needed in the world of a hunter when you think about it. I love going with the guys out to hunt and you have to be sportin the real tree if you don't wanna been seen by a deer. I like to coon, squirel and rabbit hunt to. I aslo love fishing but I guess you don't really need camo to do that.

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I've always had this obsession I guess you could say with penguins. I'm not exactly sure how but I remember when I was a little girl my Grandpa Baer got me started on loving penguins. Ever since then I have always loved them. I have started to collect them and everything. My Grandpa is no longer alive so through penguin things I have this kind of connection with him. I have a few stuffed penguins in my room and a few on posters and what not. They are also my favorite animal to go see at the zoo. There is just something about them that I find rather interesting. When I was in the second grade I even wrote and had published a book that I wrote about penguins and I gave it to my Grandpa. I think other then the Bible that truly became his favorite book. R.I.P. Grandpa Baer 10/19/05

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Luigi and Guido! These are my two favorite characters from the Disney movie Cars. This is one of the many Disney movies that I love to watch, also this happens to be my nephew Korben's favorite movie. I love this movie because it not only has cute characters but I love cars. I have watched this movie about a million different times with Korben and between me and him we have all of the characters. I just recently got Mater, and Lightning McQueen for my birthday and then Guido for Christmas. The only character that I don't have is Luigi which is the little yellow Italian car so I hope to get him soon but in the meantime I just play with Korben's. I'm one of the very few in the family that he will actually let play with his car toys. =] Cars stuff is important to me because it's a like that my nephew and I both share therefore giving us a fun way to bond. We love Luigi and Guido! =]

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